
Showing posts from 2020

Offline Nuget packages

Local NuGet packages using a relative path HI friends, Many time we will be disconnected for some reasons, today we will know how to continue our  work when we are offline particularly in case when Nuget packages must be available to run the project solution.    Lets install and use Nuget packages offline. Step1: First get the list of  nuget packages which you needed in you project  Step2: Download the packages from the official site               and store them in dedicated folder (the files will be stored in the format of .nupkg) Step3: Now open the solution in Visual Studio (any version on your machine will works)                              Navigate to Tools>Nuget Package Manager>Package manager settings                                  Select the package sources and new packages Source by clicking on  +  icon   Change the name and give the source path of the dedicated  folder where you downloaded nuget files. Click Update and OK  you have given re

Connect to AD domain using power shell

    HI friends, Today we are going to connect to AD(active directory) using windows power shell First run the power shell in administrative mode Check IP address and Default gate way, (power shell command " ipconfig ") and  Check DNS server setting  (power shell command " ipconfig /all ") The DNS server must point to AD Domain Controller. to verify it  Enter the command in power shell  "Test-Connection  <your ad domain> -Quiet"   if the response is TRUE then you have successfully connected to AD.  If the response is FALSE then follow below procedure to Change DNS setting on your PC Open Control Panel. Click on Network and Internet. Click on Network and Sharing Center. Click the Change adapter settings option in the left pane. Right click on Ether net and select properties  Select Internet protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click on properties   check the DNS server addresses: check box and enter your AD ip address in Alternate DNS server text field 

Local Authentication with Flutter

In this post I am going to implement this feature using flutter and dart. First of all download and install flutter SDK from Create a project: Enter this command in command prompt  "flutter create signin_flutter" Importing packages: Now import the plug-in local_auth  by adding the following line to your project's pubspec.yaml file. "loacl_auth: ^0.4.0+1." you can also find latest version on Adding Permissions: In order to have authentication working correctly on android we have to update AndriodManifesto.xml file to include the USE_FINGERPRINT permission. "<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.USE_FINGERPRINT"/>" we can find the file here Your project directory...\signin_flutter\android\app\src\main\AndroidManifest.xml Adding local Authentication: import local_auth package in main.dart file

Internationalizing Flutter apps

localization in Flutter apps: Hi friends,  today I implement localization in flutter, A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project: Lab: Write your first Flutter app Cookbook: Useful Flutter samples Flutter's default language is English, To add or support other languages, we must specify additional MaterialApp properties, and also include packages " flutter_localizations " and " easy_localization: ^2.1.0+2  ", currently this package supports 77 languages. 1. Create a project: Enter the command in terminal  flutter create localization It will create a brand new project with some files in current directory. 2. Add Dependencies: Add the packages as a dependency to your pubspec.yaml file: dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter flutter_localizations: sdk: flutter easy_localization: ^2.1.0+2 3. Import  library: import 'dart:developer'; import 'dart:ui'